infrastructure in Poland
Poland has little tradition of cycling infrastructure in cities.
Except few examples (most notably cities of Nowe Tychy built in the
70's and Nowa Huta built
in the 50's), no cycling infrastructure has ever been constructed. In
case of Nowa Huta, cycleways have never been used as planned. At first,
Nowa Huta's wide streets were void of cars and pretty safe for
When cars became popular, they simply occupied the cycleways as parking
places. There has been
little room
bicycles - and little need for bicycles, in fact. Under the communist
rule and economy, it was the cheap public transport
that dominated in large cities. Another factor was scarce supply of
bicycles and their very low quality at the time. The bicycle was widely
as extravaganza,
sport - or just poor's man transport. On the other hand, cycling has
been popular in the countryside and in small cities, where no public
transport could meet everyday needs and where cars have been too
The fall of communism in 1989 and following economic transformation
revolutionized the cities in Poland. Cars became more affordable and
public transport, once cheap and dominating, turned out
underfinanced, old, crowded, slow and inefficient. No wonder people
were enthusiastic
to switch to cars. However, the communist era road system was worn out
and insufficient to
accomodate the new influx of cars. Traffic jams became nightmare, air
pollution and car accidents soared. There seemed to be no solution to
problem, as cities' budgets strained beyond imagination. This
situation roughly has remained the same until now.
There were some enlightened ideas for promoting cycling in Polish
cities, though. In 1987, Polish Ecological Club (branch of Friends
of the
Earth International and mother organisation for Cities for Bicycles)
organised first No Car Day and became one of
the most vocal advocates for cycling. In 1993, the city of Cracow
devised its transport policy that included contstruction of cycleways.
In the 90's, several cities in Poland built some cycling facilities,
but the
results have been bleak. In most cases, users' opinion is that money
spent on cycling roads have been wasted due to calamitious design and
often even flawed location of the facilities. The most successful
of the 90's cycleways in Poland include the seacoast cycleway in
Gdańsk, riverbank routes
in Warsaw and Cracow and few other. Total length of cycleways
in Poland is said to be between 400 and 1000 kms (actual figures are
available). However the vast majority of cycleways is poor quality if
not unusable due to faulty
design and construction.
In 2002, the first contra-flow lanes in Poland were opened in Cracow,
igniting local drivers' uproar and fierce political battle - but have
remained in place and now seem to be quite a succesful novelty. Very
roundabouts attracted less attention or uproar, while seem to be
the equally good - if slightly spin-off - cycling facility (they never
been meant to facilitate cycling, but they indeed do, as cyclist avoid
dangerous left turns). Other traffic calming policies in Poland are
problematic, as
road signs are not obeyed and standards for speed humps are
debilitating: many drivers are able to drive through the humps at 60
km/h without noticing the speed control facility and other speed humps
are very dangerous for both drivers and cyclists.
Gdańsk is the fist city in Poland that
introduced its own standards for cycling facilities in 1999, and newer
bicycle roads in Gdańsk are pretty good. Gdańsk is currently
implementing its cycling
infrastructure program funded by Global Environment Facility and is
going to be the first large city in Poland to have a complete core
cycling network by 2005.
Krakow followed the Gdańsk example. The
city now has a Master Plan that says that in long term 100% of travel
sources and destinations must be accessible by bicycle and that the
integrated bicycle system will include traffic calmed streets, small
roundabouts, segregated facilities. The detailed Bicycle Master Plan
was developed too, along with a feasibility study and Cycling
Infrastructure Standards to be met in design and construction work.
Cracow is also the first city in Poland to implement the Bicycle Audit
procedure: all road investment and renovation works must be checked to
see if
cycling is not impeded as the result of the proposed work and if there
are chances to improve conditions for cycling at no additional cost.
The cycling issues are dealt with by the Cycling Task Force created by
the Mayor of Cracow. The task force includes bicycle user groups,
experts and city officials and is presided by the Deputy Mayor. Cracow
is now trying to get funding for the cycling infrastructure from the
European Union regional development funds.
The Cycling
Infrastructure Standards, Bicycle Audit,
Cycling Task Force and
cycling Master Plan are the key issues proposed by the Cities for
Bicycles advocacy and consulting group. They make up a "cycling
package" that can be implemented by any local authority in
with local bicycle user groups. Cycling Task Forces have been set up in
a number of cities recently, including Wrocław, Poznań, Przemyśl and
Opole. (Return here to read more on "cycling package" in late February).
Cities for
bicycles network defines the problems with cycling infrastructure
in Poland as following:
- Money is not a problem. Quality of
product and process
manangement is.
- Polish Highway Code is very bad for
cyclists, does not allow for
some efficient traffic manegement solutions and must be changed.
This is especially important regarding the discrepancy between the
Polish Highway Code and the Vienna Convention of 1968 on national
ratified by Poland in 1985 (Article 16.2. - on the priority of cyclist
on a segregated bicycle
track over cars turning right or left into the road that the cyclist is
- Regulations on technical requirements for
cycleways are
cycleways that meet those requirements can be (and usually are)
uncomfortable and even dangerous.
- Traffic calming measures are inadequate,
so are technical
requirements for such measures
- There is no national body and standards
to have a system of
national touring cycle routes
- There is no national cycling policy, no
obligation on part of the
local authorities, no quality control schemes, no mechanism that help
getting synergistic results just from better cooperation of various
bicycles strategy now focuses on:
- Change of the Highway Code in Poland
- Changes in various national laws that
pertain to technical
requirements for cycling infrastructure and traffic calming measures
- Work with local authorities on
implementing the "cycling
packages" (see
- Completing the Gdańsk Cycling
Infrastructure and Promotion Project
- Setting up national standards and quality
control system for
cycling infrastructure that would oversee the development of national
bicycle touring routes
- Developing national cycling policy
In 1999, Cities for Bicycles issued the Polish language version
of the famous "Sign up For The Bike" manual from the Dutch CROW
technical organization. When looking for inspiration for your cycling
plans, have a look at the Danish Road Directorate publication
freely available on the web (*.pdf files) - "Collection of Cycle
We will keep you updated on what is going on in Poland.